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Node.js installation guide

This guide explains how to install Node.js as a development platform.

Installation in Mac OS

Method 1: Using Homebrew 1.

  1. If you do not have Homebrew installed, open terminal and run the following command.

    Terminal window
    /bin/bash -c $(curl -fsSL

    Once the Homebrew installation is complete, proceed as follows:

  2. To install Node.js, run the following command in terminal.

    Terminal window
    brew install node

Method 2: Using Volta

Volta is a Node.js version control tool made in Rust.
It is officially described as “a hassle-free JavaScript tool manager”.

To install it the normal way

Open terminal and run the following command

Terminal window
curl | bash

To install using Homebrew

Open terminal and run the following command.

Terminal window
brew install volta

Passing the PATH

You need to pass the PATH, so execute the following command.
Include the following in your .zshrc.

Terminal window
export VOLTA_HOME=$HOME/.volta

How to confirm installation

Terminal window
volta --version

If you see the version of Volta as follows, you are done.

Terminal window

Installing Node.js

To install the latest version

Terminal window
volta install node

To install a specific version:

Terminal window
volta install node@20.11.0

Method 3: Download the installer from the official Node.js website

  1. Go to the official Node.js website
  2. Click “Download Node.js” to download the recommended version of the installer.
  3. Open the downloaded file and follow the instructions to complete the installation. The method is the same for Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

To download the installer by specifying the version, you can download it from here.

Confirmation after installation

To check if the installation was successful, run the following command in Terminal (Mac) or Command Prompt (Windows).

Terminal window
node -v
npm -v

These commands will show you the installed versions of Node.js and npm. If you see the output, the installation was successful.