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Introducing Prettier

How to Install Prettier in VS Code

This document explains the steps to install the Prettier plugin in Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

Prettier is a tool that automatically formats code to help maintain readable code.


  • Visual Studio Code is installed.
  • Node.js and npm are installed.

Step 1: Install the Prettier Extension

  1. Open VS Code.
  2. Click the Extensions icon on the left sidebar (the icon that looks like overlapping squares).
  3. Type “Prettier” in the search bar.
  4. Find “Prettier - Code formatter” in the search results and click the install button.

Step 2: Use Prettier in VS Code

Open a file, right-click, and select “Format Document,” or use the shortcut Shift + Alt + F (for Windows) or Shift + Option + F (for Mac).

To enable formatting features, open VS Code settings (Ctrl + , or Cmd + ,), search for editor.defaultFormatter, and select Prettier - Code formatter.

To automatically format code when saving a file, open the VS Code settings, search for editor.formatOnSave, and check the Format On Save option.

Now, Prettier is set up in VS Code and ready to use. Your code will be automatically formatted every time you save it.

Bonus: Setting Up Prettier in a Project

Prettier can be installed and used in a project.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the root directory of your project, run the following command to install Prettier:

    Terminal window
    npm install -D prettier
  2. Create a .prettierrc file in the root of your project and specify Prettier settings. For example, you can set it up with the following content:

    "semi": false,
    "singleQuote": true

This setting configures Prettier to avoid using semicolons and to use single quotes.

You can also create a .prettierignore file to specify files and directories to exclude from Prettier formatting.

Terminal window