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How to Set Up a Trust Line | XRPL Development in JavaScript Level 1

What is a Trust Line?

The trust line feature of XRPL (XRP Ledger) allows users to show their intention to accept specific currencies. This is used to handle assets other than XRP on XRPL. For example, if a user wants to accept another currency or a token from another issuer, they need to set a trust line for that currency or token.

The trust line feature allows users to hold and trade assets issued by other users or issuers in their accounts. For example, Alice can receive tokens issued by Charlie by setting a trust line for Charlie’s tokens.

One benefit is that it prevents unauthorized tokens from being sent to a user’s address, maintaining order among users.


This guide proceeds with the following characters:

  • Charlie (Token Issuer)
  • Alice (Token Recipient)

Create the Script

The following is a script to set a trust line for Charlie’s tokens from Alice.

  1. Create a new file named trust_set.js in your project directory.

  2. Paste the following code into trust_set.js.

    const xrpl = require('xrpl');
    // Function to send a TrustSet transaction
    async function trustSet(recipientSecret) {
    // Connect to the Testnet server
    const client = new xrpl.Client('wss://');
    await client.connect();
    try {
    // Wallet address of the token issuer (Charlie)
    const issuerWalletAddress = 'charlie_wallet_address_here';
    // Set the recipient's wallet
    const recipientWallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSecret(recipientSecret);
    // Fixed information about the token
    const currencyCode = 'DOJ'; // Currency code
    const amount = '10000'; // Maximum receivable amount of tokens
    // Send the TrustSet transaction
    const response = await client.submitAndWait(
    TransactionType: 'TrustSet', // Set the trust line
    Account: recipientWallet.address, // Alice's address
    LimitAmount: {
    issuer: issuerWalletAddress, // Issuer's address (Charlie)
    currency: currencyCode, // DOJ
    value: amount, // 10000
    { wallet: recipientWallet } // Sign with Alice's wallet
    // Output the result to the console
    console.log('Transaction result:', response);
    } catch (error) {
    // Error handling
    console.error('An error occurred:', error);
    // Disconnect from the server
    // Execute the function
    const recipientSecret = 'alice_wallet_secret_here'; // Set Alice's secret key
    1. Enter Charlie’s testnet address in charlie_wallet_address_here.
    2. Enter Alice’s testnet secret key in alice_wallet_secret_here.

Run the Script

  1. Run the following command in the command line to execute the script.

    Terminal window
    node trust_set.js

    If successful, the console will display the following.

    Terminal window
    Transaction result: {
    id: 14,
    result: {
    Account: 'rQr8KfkCQcpqvFwmRspDoaL36reZhcdaeA', // Alice's address
    Fee: '12',
    Flags: 0,
    LastLedgerSequence: 474997,
    LimitAmount: {
    currency: 'DOJ', // Currency code
    issuer: 'rh8xETfGs1Ktizj9EXZb5QpW4aqk8bWUSU', // Token issuer's address (Charlie)
    value: '10000' // Maximum amount of DOJ tokens Alice can receive
    Sequence: 474064,
    SigningPubKey: 'ED2924DBD08E093DD7FC9C35B8DCEBD74CA4C8349D68D7BF566AD6C2533B8BB865',
    TransactionType: 'TrustSet',
    TxnSignature: '8245C9412BA9E247D962B2D9B9B6B74A90D3757FDA66422527611971004F94D803607A3CC5357BA83B0FA0B7D010B10F3D0F5188EE8D4F1D72181BFA4D052B0B',
    ctid: 'C0073F6300000001',
    date: 768402681,
    hash: 'A20A377A4E9D8CAAA62E5AEE7CDFB9FBC690171B1D13485AC40A6313996A98C8', // Hash value
    inLedger: 474979,
    ledger_index: 474979, // Ledger index number
    meta: {
    AffectedNodes: [Array],
    TransactionIndex: 0,
    TransactionResult: 'tesSUCCESS' // Success
    validated: true // Validated transaction
    type: 'response'

    Now Alice can receive the DOJ tokens issued by Charlie.