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Token Transfer Between Users 3 | XRPL Development in JavaScript Level 1

Finally, let’s try sending DOJ tokens from Alice to Bob once again.


This guide proceeds with the following characters:

  • Charlie (Token Issuer)
  • Alice (Token Recipient 1) ※Currently holds 1000 DOJ
  • Bob (Token Recipient 2)

Create the Script

The following is a script to send tokens from Alice to Bob.

  1. Reuse the previously created payment_token_ab.js file in your project directory.

  2. Ensure the code is as follows.

    const xrpl = require('xrpl');
    async function paymentTokenAB() {
    // Connect to the Testnet server
    const client = new xrpl.Client('wss://');
    await client.connect();
    // Set Alice's wallet
    const senderWallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSecret('alice_wallet_secret_here');
    // Set Bob's wallet address
    const recipientWalletAddress = 'bob_wallet_address_here';
    // Set the wallet address of the token issuer (Charlie)
    const issuerWalletAddress = 'charlie_wallet_address_here';
    const currencyCode = 'DOJ'; // Token currency code
    const amount = '100'; // Amount of tokens to be sent
    const response = await client.submitAndWait(
    TransactionType: 'Payment', // Payment
    Account: senderWallet.address, // Alice's address
    Destination: recipientWalletAddress, // Bob's address
    Amount: {
    issuer: issuerWalletAddress, // Issuer's address (Charlie)
    currency: currencyCode, // DOJ
    value: amount, // 100
    { wallet: senderWallet } // Authenticate with Alice's wallet
    // Output the result to the console
    console.log('Transaction result:', response);
    // Call the client.disconnect() method to disconnect from the server
    1. Enter Alice’s testnet secret key in alice_wallet_secret_here.
    2. Enter Bob’s testnet address in bob_wallet_address_here.
    3. Enter Charlie’s testnet address in charlie_wallet_address_here.

Run the Script

  1. Run the following command in the command line to execute the script.

    Terminal window
    node payment_token_ab.js
  2. Check result in the console .

    Terminal window
    id: 16,
    result: {
    Account: 'rQr8KfkCQcpqvFwmRspDoaL36reZhcdaeA', // Sender's address (Alice)
    Amount: {
    currency: 'DOJ', // Currency code
    issuer: 'rh8xETfGs1Ktizj9EXZb5QpW4aqk8bWUSU', // Issuer's address (Charlie)
    value: '100' // Amount of tokens sent
    DeliverMax: {
    currency: 'DOJ',
    issuer: 'rh8xETfGs1Ktizj9EXZb5QpW4aqk8bWUSU',
    value: '100'
    Destination: 'rDNVaJJSp9iQmHC8YAAwHytnLP9aXEPhDw', // Recipient's address (Bob)
    Fee: '12',
    Flags: 0,
    LastLedgerSequence: 479728,
    Sequence: 474079,
    SigningPubKey: 'ED2924DBD08E093DD7FC9C35B8DCEBD74CA4C8349D68D7BF566AD6C2533B8BB865',
    TransactionType: 'Payment',
    TxnSignature: '6C7CB37EDC28F67E5E93D844946D3460830C8BBA5994AD882A7B30F487CE7C2FBFAECC3A286A638A6FD0BE00292E794BD3B7F4D3288087424BE0400E9062F80B',
    ctid: 'C00751DF00000001',
    date: 768417680,
    hash: '3A30D565CFF91EF55CB29E3FB1FBC61DAFDDB6FEE7707EC6C4AE835FD57413D9', // Hash value
    inLedger: 479711,
    ledger_index: 479711, // Ledger index number
    meta: {
    AffectedNodes: [Array],
    TransactionIndex: 0,
    TransactionResult: 'tesSUCCESS', // Success
    delivered_amount: [Object]
    validated: true
    type: 'response'

    Finally, the DOJ token transfer from Alice to Bob was successful.

    Use the hash value and Alice’s address displayed in the actual console to check the testnet version of the Explorer.


In the “Level 1” curriculum, we introduced scripts, concepts, and specifications related to the trust line functionality.

You may now understand what we meant by “understanding the Ripple protocol” as stated at the beginning of this guide.

For actual development, you need to understand fields and flags displayed in the console to some extent, so we deliberately introduced them in a complex manner for your future learning.

One of the major benefits of XRPL and the reason why it is attractive is that it provides a protocol feature based on trust for handling tokens, in addition to exchanging the native token XRP.

Details about IOUs and Rippling are only covered briefly in this guide. For more information, please refer to the official documentation or articles by experts.