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Disabling the NoRipple Flag | XRPL Development in JavaScript Level 1

In the previous chapter, we introduced the reason why the transaction failed and the relationship between Rippling and the NoRipple flag.

To disable Alice’s NoRipple flag from the issuer’s perspective, let’s change the state using a TrustSet transaction!


This guide proceeds with the following characters:

  • Charlie (Token Issuer)
  • Alice (Token Recipient)

Create the Script

  1. Create a new file named disable_noripple.js in your project directory.

  2. Paste the following code into disable_noripple.js.

    So far, we have introduced samples defined as functions, but let’s now create a code pattern with more arguments.

    This script disables the NoRipple flag for Alice from Charlie, the issuer.

    const xrpl = require('xrpl');
    async function disableNoRipple(
    ) {
    // Connect to the Testnet
    const client = new xrpl.Client('wss://');
    await client.connect();
    try {
    // Create the TrustSet transaction
    const trustSetTx = {
    TransactionType: 'TrustSet',
    Account: wallet.address, // Issuer's address (Charlie)
    LimitAmount: {
    currency: trustLineCurrency, // Currency code
    issuer: trustLineIssuer, // User's address (Alice or Bob)
    value: trustLineLimit, // Limit amount (unchanged here)
    // Disable the NoRipple flag
    Flags: xrpl.TrustSetFlags.tfClearNoRipple,
    // Send the transaction and wait for the result
    const response = await client.submitAndWait(trustSetTx, { wallet });
    console.log('Transaction result:', response);
    } catch (error) {
    console.error('An error occurred:', error);
    // Disconnect
    await client.disconnect();
    // Execute the function
    const currency = 'DOJ'; // Currency code
    const trustLineIssuer = 'alice_wallet_address_here'; // User's address (Alice)
    const limit = '0'; // Limit amount (unchanged here)
    const issuerWallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSecret('charlie_wallet_secret_here'); // Issuer's secret key (Charlie)
    disableNoRipple(issuerWallet, currency, trustLineIssuer, limit); // Change the user's trust line information
    1. Enter Alice’s testnet address in alice_wallet_address_here.
    2. Enter Charlie’s testnet secret key in charlie_wallet_secret_here.

Run the Script

  1. Run the following command in the command line to execute the script.

    Terminal window
    node disable_noripple.js
  2. If successful, the console will display the following.

    Terminal window
    Transaction result: {
    id: 12,
    result: {
    Account: 'rQr8KfkCQcpqvFwmRspDoaL36reZhcdaeA',
    Fee: '12',
    Flags: 262144,
    LastLedgerSequence: 478802,
    LimitAmount: {
    currency: 'DOJ',
    issuer: 'rh8xETfGs1Ktizj9EXZb5QpW4aqk8bWUSU',
    value: '20000'
    Sequence: 474074,
    SigningPubKey: 'ED2924DBD08E093DD7FC9C35B8DCEBD74CA4C8349D68D7BF566AD6C2533B8BB865',
    TransactionType: 'TrustSet',
    TxnSignature: 'DD350511FDFDB2C430C40CE6CE87B047BAF9130FD98634B8375955BE8863412ED8AB17C3E038D64B2C7805C088258E72861989ECD1280A7B4ABE718669694801',
    ctid: 'C0074E4000000001',
    date: 768414741,
    hash: '97418F46A8B47FFA455DA3A0401BFDF2F09579F9911D64E194768BECB4AC2DC3',
    inLedger: 478784,
    ledger_index: 478784,
    meta: {
    AffectedNodes: [Array],
    TransactionIndex: 0,
    TransactionResult: 'tesSUCCESS' // Success
    validated: true
    type: 'response'

    This successfully disabled the NoRipple flag for Alice from the issuer’s perspective.

    If the sending account’s NoRipple flag is disabled, the transfer can be made. In the next chapter, let’s retry the DOJ token transfer from Alice to Bob that failed in this guide.