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Checking Account Information | XRPL Development in JavaScript Level 1

In the previous chapter, Alice set a trust line for the token issued by Charlie.

In this chapter, we aim to confirm if the trust line has been set correctly, and at the same time, learn about the public methods of rippled!

To retrieve account information, use the account methods, which are public methods of rippled.


This guide proceeds with the following characters:

  • Charlie (Token Issuer)
  • Alice (Token Recipient)

Create the Script

To check the list of currencies an account can send or receive, use the account_currencies command.

  1. Create a new file named check_account_currencies.js in your project directory.

  2. Paste the following code into check_account_currencies.js.

    This example creates a reusable method. The checkAccountCurrencies() method retrieves information based on the accountAddress passed in as an argument.

    const xrpl = require('xrpl');
    async function checkAccountCurrencies(accountAddress) {
    // Connect to the Testnet server
    const client = new xrpl.Client('wss://');
    // Call the client.connect() method to connect to the server
    // Use await to wait until the connection is complete
    await client.connect();
    try {
    // Retrieve the token list using the account_currencies command
    const response = await client.request({
    command: 'account_currencies',
    account: accountAddress,
    ledger_index: 'validated' // Specify 'validated' to retrieve from a validated ledger
    // Output the result to the console
    console.log('Account Lines:', response);
    } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error retrieving account lines:', error);
    // Call the client.disconnect() method to disconnect from the server
    await client.disconnect();
    const charlieAddress = 'charlie_wallet_address_here'; // Charlie's address
    checkAccountCurrencies(charlieAddress); // Pass in the account address as an argument to the function
    const aliceAddress = 'alice_wallet_address_here'; // Alice's address
    1. Enter Charlie’s testnet address in charlie_wallet_address_here.
    2. Enter Alice’s testnet address in alice_wallet_address_here.

Run the Script

  1. Run the following command in the command line to execute the script.

    Terminal window
    node check_account_currencies.js
  2. If successful, the console will display the following.

    Terminal window
    Account Lines: { // Charlie
    id: 1,
    result: {
    ledger_hash: 'D05315702B8617B192FB1666BF05F588A457C30D0F493C4FA802BAABDE34209E',
    ledger_index: 441812, // Ledger index number (source of this data)
    receive_currencies: [], // Array of tokens that can be received
    send_currencies: [ 'DOJ' ], // Array of tokens that can be sent
    validated: true // Whether the data is from the latest validated ledger
    type: 'response'
    Account Lines: { // Alice
    id: 1,
    result: {
    ledger_hash: 'D05315702B8617B192FB1666BF05F588A457C30D0F493C4FA802BAABDE34209E',
    ledger_index: 441812,
    receive_currencies: [ 'DOJ' ], // Array of tokens that Alice can receive
    send_currencies: [],
    validated: true
    type: 'response'

    From Charlie’s account information, which is the issuer of the DOJ token, DOJ is included in send_currencies, and from Alice’s account information, DOJ is included in the receive_currencies array, confirming that Alice can receive the DOJ token.

    This shows that XRPL maintains account information (state) for each wallet and transactions are strictly verified based on this information.

What are ledger_index and ledger_hash?

The ledger_hash displayed in the console log is a unique hash value for the ledger. In this sample, data was retrieved from the 441812th validated ledger.

Let’s check the ledger validated at the 441812th position on the testnet.

Details of XRPL's testnet ledger index number 441812.

The ledger hash value for this ledger (441812) is D05315702B8617B192FB1666BF05F588A457C30D0F493C4FA802BAABDE34209E, which matches the console log above. In order to understand the overall big picture of XRPL, it is very important to confirm using your eyes and understand each of these meanings along the way.

Additionally, XRPL Explorer offers a testnet version as well, which is one of the necessary tools for development, so make sure you bookmark it.