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Let's send money with XRP | Introduction to JavaScript

Create Script

  1. Create a new file named send_xrp.js in your project directory.

  2. Paste the following code into send_xrp.js.

    const xrpl = require('xrpl');
    async function main() {
    // Connect to Testnet server
    const client = new xrpl.Client('wss://');
    await client.connect();
    // Set wallet information for remittance
    // This is a sample, be careful when using real private keys
    const sender = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed('your_wallet_seed_here');
    // Set the recipient address and remittance amount
    const recipient = 'recipient_address_here';
    const amount = '100'; // 100XRP : Amount of XRP to send
    // prepare for transaction
    const prepared = await client.autofill({
    TransactionType: 'Payment',
    Account: sender.address,
    Amount: xrpl.xrpToDrops(amount), // convert XRP to Drops
    Destination: recipient,
    console.log('Prepared transaction:', prepared);
    // Sign the transaction
    const signed = sender.sign(prepared);
    console.log('Signed transaction:', signed);
    // Send transaction
    const result = await client.submitAndWait(signed.tx_blob);
    console.log('Transaction result:', result); // close connection
    // close the connection
    1. In your_wallet_seed_here, enter the secret key of the source address of the test net.
    2. In recipient_address_here, enter the destination address of the testnet.

Run Script

  1. Run the script by executing the following command on the command line.

    Terminal window
    node send_xrp.js

    If successful, you will see the following in the console.

    Terminal window
    Prepared transaction: {
    TransactionType: 'Payment', Account: 'r2UUsk6CLuLSDLYLY
    Account: 'r2UUsk6CLuLSDLYi5yhswa378tQ9cGLQW',
    Amount: '100000000', Destination
    Destination: 'rHjHkeRJ7PMQXbghGKYL9NkTvksoixkojV',
    Flags: 0,
    NetworkID: undefined, Sequence: 230386, Sequence: 0, Sequence: 0, Sequence: 0
    Sequence: 230386,
    Fee: '12',
    LastLedgerSequence: 230412
    Signed transaction: {
    tx_blob: '1200002200000000000024000383F2201B0003840C614000000005F5E100684000000000000000000C7321ED4CA842EEAEF0676AE4DEA3E1ACFDB4C5EFBDC 2034091627BF4BE1EE3683C948374408E6DEA70D583884639692A69CF0D76CC30FE368C41967B87FA5E717462F1F768DFE6205A285747963F52D7A61AAB77F09A 967E9459C6770543ED1CF233EF8D0481140647116D6E951B75A250510595C2E2772F56584A8314B781779BC48D6A07B5685B1D2EBE7AE0F0B7B2EF',
    hash: '1E33DACD3868BE78F67B89D4A68914E139CBAB17078A15BE2210FBA2D952F30D'
    Transaction result: {
    id: 12,
    result: {
    Account: 'r2UUsk6CLuLSDLYi5yhswa378tQ9cGLQW',
    Amount: '100000000', DeliverMax
    DeliverMax: '100000000', Destination
    Destination: 'rHjHkeRJ7PMQXbghGKYL9NkTvksoixkojV',
    Fee: '12', Flags: 0,
    Flags: 0,
    LastLedgerSequence: 230412,
    Sequence: 230386,
    SigningPubKey: 'ED4CA842EEAEF0676AE4DEA3E1ACFDB4C5EFBDC2034091627BF4BE1EE3683C9483',
    TransactionType: 'Payment',
    TxnSignature: '8E6DEA70D583884639692A69CF0D76CC30FE368C41967B87FA5E717462F1F768DFE6205A285747963F52D7A61AAB77F09A967E9459C6770543ED 1CF233EF8D04',.
    date: 767641940,
    hash: '1E33DACD3868BE78F67B89D4A68914E139CBAB17078A15BE2210FBA2D952F30D', ctid: 'C00383FA00860001', date: 767641940, inLedger: 230394
    inLedger: 230394,
    ledger_index: 230394,
    meta: {
    AffectedNodes: [Array],
    TransactionResult: 'tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT'
    validated: true
    type: 'response'
  2. Search for the displayed hash value 1E33DACD3868BE78F67B89D4A68914E139CBAB17078A15BE2210FBA2D952F30D in explorer on the testnet search.

    Then…you will see UNFUNDED PAYMENT, which means that the transmission has failed.


    Actually, you can check the result based on the value of the TransactionResult field displayed in the console! You should see TransactionResult: 'tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT' in above.

    The address to which you sent this transaction has been issued 100 XRP by the Faucet tool, but the actual available balance is the amount minus 10 XRP which is used as a reserve(about 90 XRP). Also, please keep in mind that even a 90XRP transfer can fail because a fee must be paid at the time of transaction. Thus transactions are strictly verified.

  3. Next, change the source of send_xrp.js to const amount = '50'; and then try running the node send_xrp.js command.

    Terminal window
    Transaction result: {
    id: 12,
    result: {
    Account: 'r2UUsk6CLuLSDLYi5yhswa378tQ9cGLQW',
    Amount: '50000000', DeliverMax
    DeliverMax: '50000000', Destination
    Destination: 'rHjHkeRJ7PMQXbghGKYL9NkTvksoixkojV',
    Fee: '12', Flags: 0, Destination.
    Flags: 0,.
    LastLedgerSequence: 230757,
    LastLedgerSequence: 230757, Sequence: 230387,
    SigningPubKey: 'ED4CA842EEAEF0676AE4DEA3E1ACFDB4C5EFBDC2034091627BF4BE1EE3683C9483',
    TransactionType: 'Payment',
    TxnSignature: '7998B34A2A0B574A878D7E3F2B852C2ACD0D752544AD77670242F9B27524949F45AF64BEFAA0296566CEAFCD6404E65347C2E8CAFA010A691B38 F2736769A90A',.
    ctid: 'C003855300000001',
    date: 767643022,.
    inLedger: 230739,
    ledger_index: 230739,
    meta: {
    AffectedNodes: [Array],
    TransactionIndex: 0,
    TransactionResult: 'tesSUCCESS',
    delivered_amount: '50000000'
    validated: true

    This time, the response is TransactionResult: 'tesSUCCESS', confirming that the money transfer was successful.


We hope you have found that you can easily transfer XRP by using xrpl.js, the client library. Basically, the method of sending a transaction is the same as the others, and a trust line can be implemented by changing TransactionType: 'Payment' to a different TransactionType, which is TrustSet.

As such, the way how public blockchain can be used by ordinary web developers and beginners is one of the strengths of the XRPL ecosystem.