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Creating Generic Methods | XRPL Development in JavaScript - Level 3

In the previous section, we discussed ES6. In this guide, we will get accustomed to practical implementation by defining generic methods as modules.

First, let’s set up a utils directory to organize our learning process efficiently.

1. Creating trustSet.js

Define a generic method for setting a trust line.

// Function to set a trust line
export async function setTrustLine(client, wallet, currency, issuer, limit) {
try {
const trustSet = {
TransactionType: 'TrustSet',
Account: wallet.classicAddress,
LimitAmount: {
currency: currency,
issuer: issuer,
value: limit,
const response = await client.submitAndWait(trustSet, { wallet });
return response;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error setting trust line: ${error}`);
throw error;


import { Client, Wallet } from 'xrpl';
import { setTrustLine } from './utils/trustSet.js';
// Initialize client and wallet
const client = new Client('wss://');
await client.connect();
const wallet = Wallet.fromSeed('s████████████████████████████');
const currency = 'USD';
const issuer = 'r████████████████████████████';
const limit = '1000';
// Set the trust line
await setTrustLine(client, wallet, currency, issuer, limit);

2. Creating createOffer.js

Define a generic method to send an OfferCreate transaction.

// Function to create an offer
export async function createOffer(client, wallet, takerGets, takerPays) {
try {
const offerCreate = {
TransactionType: 'OfferCreate',
Account: wallet.classicAddress,
TakerGets: takerGets,
TakerPays: takerPays,
const response = await client.submitAndWait(offerCreate, { wallet });
console.log(`Offer created for ${wallet.classicAddress}:`, response);
return response;
} catch (error) {
`Error creating offer for ${wallet.classicAddress}: ${error}`
throw error;


import { Client, Wallet } from 'xrpl';
import { createOffer } from './utils/createOffer.js';
// Initialize client and wallet
const client = new Client('wss://');
await client.connect();
const wallet = Wallet.fromSeed('s████████████████████████████');
const takerGets = {
currency: 'USD',
issuer: 'r████████████████████████████',
value: '100',
const takerPays = {
currency: 'XRP',
value: '100000000',
// Create the offer
await createOffer(client, wallet, takerGets, takerPays);

3. Creating payment.js

Define a generic method to send payments.

// Initialize client and wallet
export async function sendPayment(client, wallet, amount, destination, options = {}) {
try {
const payment = {
TransactionType: 'Payment',
Account: wallet.classicAddress,
Amount: typeof amount === 'object' ? amount : amount.toString(),
Destination: destination,
if (options.sendMax !== undefined && options.sendMax !== null) {
payment.SendMax = typeof options.sendMax === 'object' ? options.sendMax : options.sendMax.toString();
if (options.paths !== undefined && options.paths !== null) {
payment.Paths = options.paths;
const response = await client.submitAndWait(payment, { wallet });
console.log(`Payment sent from ${wallet.classicAddress} to ${destination}:`, response);
return response;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error sending payment from ${wallet.classicAddress} to ${destination}: ${error}`);
throw error;


import { Client, Wallet } from 'xrpl';
import { sendPayment } from './utils/payment.js';
// Initialize client and wallet
const client = new Client('wss://');
await client.connect();
const wallet = Wallet.fromSeed('s████████████████████████████');
const amount = {
currency: 'USD',
issuer: 'r████████████████████████████',
value: '10',
const destination = 'r████████████████████████████';
const sendMaxAmount = '100000000';
// Send the payment
await sendPayment(client, wallet, amount, destination, {
sendMax: sendMaxAmount

4. Creating setAccountFlags.js

Define a generic method to change account settings (such as enabling rippling).

// Function to set account flags
export async function setAccountFlags(
) {
try {
const accountSet = {
TransactionType: 'AccountSet',
Account: wallet.classicAddress,
SetFlag: setFlag,
const response = await client.submitAndWait(accountSet, { wallet });
console.log(`Account flags set for ${wallet.classicAddress}:`, response);
return response;
} catch (error) {
`Error setting account flags for ${wallet.classicAddress}: ${error}`
throw error;


import { Client, Wallet, AccountSetAsfFlags } from 'xrpl';
import { setAccountFlags } from './utils/setAccountFlags.js';
// Initialize client and wallet
const client = new Client('wss://');
await client.connect();
const wallet = Wallet.fromSeed('s████████████████████████████');
const setFlag = AccountSetAsfFlags.asfDefaultRipple; // asfDefaultRipple 8
// Set account flags
await setAccountFlags(client, wallet, setFlag);

5. Creating issueCurrency.js

Define a generic method to issue tokens.

// Function to issue tokens
export async function issueCurrency(
) {
try {
const payment = {
TransactionType: 'Payment',
Account: issuerWallet.classicAddress,
Amount: {
currency: currency,
issuer: issuerWallet.classicAddress,
value: amount,
Destination: recipientAddress,
const response = await client.submitAndWait(payment, {
wallet: issuerWallet,
console.log(`Currency issued to ${recipientAddress}:`, response);
return response;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error issuing currency to ${recipientAddress}: ${error}`);
throw error;


import { Client, Wallet } from 'xrpl';
import { issueCurrency } from './utils/issueCurrency.js';
// Initialize client and wallet
const client = new Client('wss://');
await client.connect();
const issuerWallet = Wallet.fromSeed('s████████████████████████████');
const recipientAddress = 'r████████████████████████████';
const currency = 'USD';
const amount = '1000';
// Issue the token
await issueCurrency(client, issuerWallet, recipientAddress, currency, amount);