XRPL Development in JavaScript - Level 3
Welcome to the JavaScript course for the XRPL Dojo -DOJO- “Level 3”, focusing on cross-currency payments.
To execute the content of this section, the following environment is required.
Required Tools
- Text editor(VS Code recommended)
- Install Node.js
This guide will proceed with the following characters:
- Token Issuer A
- Token Issuer B
- Alice
- Bob
- Charlie
- Daniel
Below is a template for your notes. Feel free to use it.
※ Later on in this guide, we will introduce you a method for generating accounts automatically.
# Token Issuer AAddress:Secret:
# Token Issuer BAddress:Secret:
# AliceAddress:Secret:
# BobAddress:Secret:
# CharlieAddress:Secret:
# DanielAddress:Secret: